It all began in August 1984, on our wedding day. Actually, it begins before that: when still dating, Stephanie told Kevin, “someday, you’re going to own a bike shop!” You see, Kevin has been a cyclist from the time he was a teenager and loves all things bicycles. As time went on, Kevin often took a second job at various bike shops, “just for fun.” He even spent the time and money to become a Certified Bike Mechanic at the famed Barnett Bicycle Institute in Colorado Springs.
We’ve always been active, first as a couple, then as a family. Once our kids (a daughter and two sons) were grown and gone, we really began to train in earnest. Even though Stephanie is a half-marathoner, who’s been running for over 10 years, she could never keep up with “Ironman” Kevin on a bike. We thought we’d always have to work out separately. What to do? That’s when we decided to buy a tandem bicycle! It made perfect sense for us and allowed us to be together, enjoying the great outdoors that we love. Colorado is indeed a cycling hotspot, and on a tandem, two people of varying abilities can enjoy it together.
Fifteen years into wedded bliss was when we purchased our first tandem – a steel Trek that weighed every bit of 45 pounds or more. It was our anniversary gift to each other that year and we had a blast, taking it on many a Colorado road and path. Years later, we sold it and opted for a newer Co-Motion – our “silver streak”!
When the time was right, Kevin began looking into bike shop ownership. His shop experience, mechanic ability, and riding knowledge made it the perfect fit. Lo and behold, the opportunity presented itself and we are now the proud owners of Tandem Cycle Works! We thank Pat and Lynn for creating and building a very unique bike shop, with amazing products and customers. We plan to continue their strong legacy of promoting the most enjoyable sport of tandem cycling. Please, come join us!